General Orientation
Rev. November 10, 2020
Health and Safety Standard
Caron Equipment is committed to Health, Safety and Environmentally sound practices.
Our program requires active participation, by everyone, on every job in order to achieve the level of safety excellence that the company expects. We sincerely appreciate your diligence and the necessary time taken to act in accordance to this policy.
The Company, Caron Equipment Inc, firmly believes in providing, maintaining and promoting safe work conditions and a healthy environment for all personnel. An efficient and well-managed Health and Safety program is the essential basis of a good relationship.
Our goal is to establish and maintain a corporate policy in order to fully educate our employees and subcontractors. The Company will strive in making every reasonable effort to minimize and hopefully eliminate causes of injuries to persons, damage to property and work interruptions.
Commitment and active participation by everyone, every day on every job, is necessary to achieve the level of safety excellence that the Company expects. Management, Supervisors and the Joint Health and Safety Committee will also ensure that all work is carried out in a safe manner and meet all legislative requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and their applicable Ontario Regulations. Safety cannot be delegated to staff specialists. We are responsible for taking reasonable care to protect our health & safety. We owe it to our loved ones.
We sincerely request that all parties implicated with the Company do their share towards meeting our goals by supporting our Health & Safety program, being watchful and careful at work, showing and ensuring that all safety measures have been followed at all times, and reporting all hazardous and unhealthy working conditions.
Commitment to health and safety forms an integral part of this organization, from the president to the workers. I trust you will join me in a personal commitment to safety.